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At Headhunters, our team is dedicated to providing top-notch recruitment services across various industries. We are proud to introduce our talented consultants, each bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to help you find the perfect match...
In breaking news, Headhunters has once more secured its position as the top recruitment agency in the Eastern Cape, as per this year’s Professional Management Review ( The agency has again been awarded the prestigious Diamond Arrow...
We often hear the question: "How important is a reference really?" Many job seekers assume their references won't be contacted or asked about their performance as employees. The reality is quite the opposite. References are contacted, and they are...
Happy work anniversary to two of our amazing team members at Headhunters!
Michael Tuohy (MD) - 9 years at Headhunters
Vicky Deyzel - 7 years at Headhunters
Michael, after 9 years, you must have a PhD in headhunting by now! Your leadership and...
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